A downloadable game for Windows and Linux


"ShaderShift Puzzle" is a puzzle game where you play as a treasure hunter solving various puzzles using interactive shaders and tools. Navigate through ancient caves and futuristic spaceships, using color manipulation and physics-based interactions to progress. Each level offers unique challenges and environments. Can you find your way back home?

The game was a bachelor project for my university "SAE Insitute".

For more just contact me under - illes0724@hotmail.com
or visit my portfolio - www.tamas-illes.com

How to play --> is in-game.

If you're completely stuck, you can activate the cheat window by pressing "Delete" and then "Tab" to write something in the console.

Cheats (in-game-level):
"noclip": Turns off player collider - you can go through anything.
"nextlevel": Teleports you to the next level

Cheats (in-game-mainmenu):
"resetall": resets everything (your progess will be lost!)
"unlockall": unlocks every level

Save Files are under "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\LocalLow\ShaderShiftPuzzle\ShaderShift Puzzle"


shadershift_windows.zip 405 MB
shadershift_linux.zip 569 MB

Install instructions

How to install:

  • Unzip
  • Run "ShaderShift Puzzle.exe"
  • Allow windows to run the programm anyways (it's nothing harmful)
  • Enjoy!

Development log

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